Gandini Juggling

Had an interesting few days this week – which terminated with the presentation of the ‘components’  of what will make up Sean Gandini’s latest opus « Spring »

He and I spent a week exchanging text messages (I hate disturbing the artists so always contact them by text rather than by a phone call) – my initial text was in English – to which he replied in French – se we continued like this – until I went to visit CiRCa on Wednesday and take a few photos – he was rather surprised I spoke such good English…!! His French is excellent!

Anyway, the 16 ‘bits’ we saw last night were all very dynamic and the artists were excellent, with a special mention for Guy who is lighting the show. However I don’t envy them – their first night is in early January – I can’t help feeling there’s a lot of work ahead!

Gandini Juggling – « Spring »