And here is the news

It’s been a while – but I’ve actually been quite busy since the last article.There’s a little bit of catching-up to do:


This years poster.

This years edition was very well received – we had 77 participants and they all spent the day wandering around Auch (aimlessly!) taking photos…that was the point wasn’t it?

It wasn’t difficult for me to keep the themes secret – as it now seems to be only me who organises everything to do with the marathon, I just didn’t tell ANYBODY. Much easier.

The first indications showed up on the video projecter at 10h00 « Rdv at Ciné32 at 10h15 » – this is our local cinemea ‘complex’ and was easily within 10 minutes walking distance. I caught-up with the group at which point I announced that we would be heading off towards the river Gers. So we all set off…but after a couple of minutes I stopped everyone and asked if they would perhaps prefer to spend the morning exploring the abandonned military ‘caserne’ that we just happened to be passing…not unnaturally that got 77 heads nodding so we did just that – I had arranged for the gate to be unlocked and I was able to just open it and usher people onto the site!

We finally got back to the BIJ (the people really didn’t want to leave) at 12h45 at which point everyone started to download there images and eat their packed lunches.

We managed to consume 6 kilos of M&M’s, and produced 488 images. The jury sat the following Wednesday and tonight we will award the prizes.

Cie Bivouac

« Perceptions » Cie Bivouac

I’ve known this circus company for a few years now – we’ve always got on well, and they often buy a few of my images. They came back to Auch in late May for a ‘residence’ and as usual, they brought a new ‘structure’ with them….and this thing is huge!

The Structure…

This thing moves every which way – the square outer part revoles around a center pivot – the circular inner ring also revolves around the same point, but it also turns within the structure… This is not at all clear from these images, but when there are 5 people leaping and climbing all over it, it creates a superb impression…I think I’ve got some good material from the presentation, and afterwards they asked me back to do a specific shooting – the spectacle will be having it’s first night in three weeks – and they don’t have any visuals yet!


Both our birthdays are in roughly a weeks time, so we’ve decided to celebrate both of them….in Germany. We’ve wanted to visit, so this will be our birthday present to each other!


We’ll be leaving on my birthday – and spending 4 days away – looking forward to this – if only to get away from Déclic!!