The famous Z8 rumour…

After many months of Thom Hogan maintaining that there won’t be a new Nikon camera body launched anytime soon, Nikon Rumors seem to be getting information that suggests a new release is finally imminent.

As a general rule Thom Hogan is a moderate who’s opinions are well debated and analysed before he puts them into print, and in the past has certainly shown he has ‘insiders’ feeding him information that is pretty reliable. The next few days will show if he is correct in his thinking. With NIKON announcing officially an online launch event the 10th of May, it seems that something is in the works…

Nikon Rumors is there for exactly that – rumours – and as such, anonymous ‘feeds’ often come up with what turns out to be factual events. They have now posted a high quality image of what is supposed to be the eyepiece of the new camera, with a list of possible configurations – body style, sensor size etc. Some of this sounds plausible, but I have to ask myself why Nikon would produce another 45 mp camera body (Z7, Z9) when sensor pixel density seems to be increasing, with SONY firmly convinced the 61 mp sensor is the way to go.

Credit photo – Nikon

Making a ‘prosumer’ camera body would seem reasonable, although frankly what is wrong with the Z7ll? Personally I would edge towards a much higher density sensor, but in a Z6/Z7 sized body, but I don’t have the inside info that the ‘experts’ have…

The readers of Nikon Rumours have spent the past few months suggesting the most ridiculous configurations, but this is to be expected as most of them wouldn’t know what to do with a digital camera anyway. A large percentage of the ‘experts’ never actually post any of their images on the forum – principally because they all speak from theoretical ‘experience’ and never ‘dirty’ their cameras by actually using them – God forbid anyone tries to point this out (I did, and was banned twice!) – but then, what do I know? Unlike these bottom feeders I actually use my photographic equipment…(when I’m not laughing at people buying collapsible bikes, or screwing hooks into their garage ceilings)