One of the two frustrating things with the new Mac mini M4 is the lack of ports.
(The other one is the stupid start button…)
A Chinese company called RayCue have come up with a good addition, in my view.
In addition to extra ports, it’s also possible to include an NVMe storage inside the hub itself.
These are the additional ports available. The one marked USB-C Host is for the liaison with the Mac mini, but this hub allows an easy way to add a second screen on HDMI, and four additional USB ports. There are also SD and microSD cards slots on the front which for me is an added bonus as before I had three card readers laying around on the desk.
Very neat – this said the order process is very wearing – RayCue do not reply to any mails or questions other site and for some time I wondered if this wasn’t just another Internet scam – until I received confirmation that the package had finally arrived in France – phew.
It’s here and it works – can’t ask more than that.
The end of the year has caught up with me/us – possibly the fact that it’s been so mild recently – somehow the Christmas needs snow on the ground to be really authentic.
The local council here in Auch provide us with a small spectacle every year, and unlike last year where we had people waving flame-throwers everywhere in pouring rain, this year we had illuminated kites flying over the centre of the town.
We were lucky with the weather and this drew a large crowd.
After a time dancing around the square, the kites floated down towards the cathedral.
As unexpected as it was beautiful, the cathedral facade then played host to a projected video image…
The municipal decorations made it fairly clear where we were…
All in all a very pleasant way to spend an hour in Auch on a chilly winters night.
This is the term generally used to describe self-published books where authors pay to publish their own book instead of passing by the more traditional book editors.
I recently purchased a new photographic book by well known actress Audrey TATOU. She teamed up with the crew from the French magazine FISHEYE and this is the result which was published on the 29th of November 2024.
Frankly I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to say about this collection of images and texts…which makes me think of the title of this article.
TATOU is known as a keen amateur photographer, and past images, although few and far between, have shown a certain competance – this cannot be denied. However, the texts (many from her days of filming « The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie Poulain » in 2000) and the photos are supposed to « …questionne son statut de star avec humour et profondeur » question her status as a star with depth and humour.
I beg to differ – I find nothing particularly interesting, humouristic or profound in pages of ‘contact’ prints of lighting setups or postage stamp portraits (to my mind, completely out of context) taken during filming.
I feel sure that there is some deep and meaningful logic to all this, probably only discernable to people who know her well, but I can’t help thinking it’s taking the piss.
Sorry Mme Tatou but for once I really can’t help thinking you could do better than this…or as they say, don’t give up the day job.
It was nice weather on Sunday so we decided to take a trip towards the Pyrénées to a lake near Puydarrieux. This is just over the border from our department in the ’65’ or Hautes Pyrénées and is the favourite spot for common cranes (grus grus) to pass winter before migrating to warmer climes in January/February time.
I’ve visited here a long time ago, and since them all sorts of rules and regulations have come into being and now you cannot go anywhere near the water, presumably to protect the migrating birds.
As you can see, there aren’t many cranes here…this is the closest we could get.
So we waitied, as these birds congregate towards the end of the afternoon as they all seem to like the idea of safety in numbers and all ‘sleep’ in one place. Sadly, the level of the lake has gone down and the majority of the birds seem to prefere a spot that’s well hidden from the public, so the mass of birds expected just wasn’t seen.
However, we did have a very spectacular over-fly by what seemed like hundreds of these birds…(here are just a few)
The cranes flying overhead before arriving at the lake, with the mountains in the distance.
While we were waiting I took the opportunity to make a few images of our surroundings – here’s the ‘Pic du Midi’ scientifique research station
And some late cows…with the sun going down…
A nice afternoon – but a lot of waiting around with not much going on!
We’ve been hearing a lot of ‘retro’ talk recently – most of it rubbish.
It seems people are convinced that « it was better before » so there’s been a resurgence of LP records (vinyl), radios are coming back into fashion (well, old fashion…) and cameras seem to be in the mix too.
NIKON, not to be left by the wayside, announced the Zfc in 2021
This is a half-frame (APS-C) camera styled on the FM series of film cameras which came out in the late 70’s. It has a modern ‘Z’ mount but relies more on the external dials for control (although a fully featured menu system is available too)
In 2023 this was follwed by a full-frame version, the Zf – this is a light, full featured full-frame camera and with the inclusion of a much better ‘flippy’ screen, a very useable tool.
The ‘retro’ feel doesn’t mean a lot to me – I just wanted a smaller camera – but stick ‘retro’ on anything and people seem to go mad.
Black and white is another ‘retro’ thing which drives relatively normal people completely bonkers. There’s a self-proclaimed photographer in the town where I live who maintains, to anyone who listens, that he only uses film and a film camera to make his images. And? Interestingly he uses modern computers and ink-jet printers to produce his prints, so the retro part of his workflow seems to be somewhat limited.
So what ? I can make perfectly respectable B&W images on any of my digital cameras – what’s more, I can see them, work on them, and share them almost instantaneously.
I grew up developing films and working in a darkroom to produce enlargements and frankly whilst I actually enjoyed the process, there are limits both in my time and cerainly my energy and I’m also fairly sure I could not produce any of my recent work in this way.
I’m not saying that is no merit in a well produced darkroom printed image, but I can’t help thinking that the evolutionary aspect is inate to photography (as in any art form) and just considering the process leaves a lot of the ‘art’ aspect to the wayside. Sure, it’s nice to say you’ve been able to do it…but frankly the ease and rapidity of modern processes win hands down.
What possible difference does it make what camera or what recording media is used? I’ve always maintained that the camera was the least important element – ideally it should not make any difference at all. The most important aspect, to me at least, is how the photographer ‘sees’ what he is trying to capture. Obviously a modern camera helps the process a great deal, this I would never deny, and using nice ‘machinery’ always adds a certain pleasure.
Talking of retro, an ex-pat Brit with more money than sense has just purchased a small Leica – seemingly in the hope that this will make him a world class photographer. Personally (and based on what he’s published so far…) I can’t see that this will make him any better or worse than all the other material he’s purchased since his retirement. He has an eye, and can turn out very reasonable stuff when he tries, but I can’t help thinking that it’s more the ability to show-off his gear that is foremost in the equation – 6200€ just to show off? Blimey, give me the dosh mate!
I have to say that the camera (a LEICA Q3) he has just purchased is a jewel, and yes, it must feel very nice to use such precision material, but please oh please don’t get caught up in this ridiculous idea that you’ll somehow get ‘touched’ by a creative ability unseen before your investment. (Although personally I would never have purchased this kind of camera with the 43mm lens (designed by PANASONIC) – the 28mm is FAR more interesting….)
Typically with this sort of person, I’ve been banished for daring to criticise him – he’s allowed to criticise me and be rude etc. because he’s gay and gays can do anything they like.
And this doesn’t concern a new camera (for once) but it does involve something to do with photography…
APPLE have recently started marketing updated products with their new processor – the M4. There have been MacBook Pros, iPads etc. but what interests me is the Mac Mini.
This is (almost life size) the new Mac Mini 2024 – 12,7cm wide and 5cm high – tiny!
As with previous editions, APPLE have actually REDUCED the price (by roughly 200€ here in France) and doubled the base RAM to 16Gb from 8Gb.
The cunning buggers have hidden the on/off switch underneath the chassis instead of it being on the rear face – this is ok, but putting ports (particularly the audio jack) on the front is a pain – I don’t like cable draping everywhere.
To avoid having the audio cable plugged in all the time, I’ve invested 19€ in a Bluetooth dongle which can attach to my sound system – this way I can stream music wirelessly.
There are now 2 USB-C ports on the front face, and three USB-C Thunderbird on the rear, but no more USB-A ports. No problems – most of what I connect is USB-C anyway…
Size comparison with the previous M2 model from 2022
The processor is supposed to be roughly twice the power of the previous (M2) one – whether or not this will help much in day to day stuff, I can’t say, but it will certainly help when it comes to rendering large 45mp images in LIGHTROOM.
Very happy to see Cie L’Oublié(e) and Raphaëlle Boitel come back to Auch for the festival this year.
Raphaëlle is a choreographer, and her latest opus is in fact two shorter works, played one after the other.
La Bête Noir – talks about a woman’s inner struggles – lots of writhing around, but the light and her movements create a very interesting spectacle.
La Bête Noir
In the second act she climbs a ladder – or what seems to be a ladder – but the ‘rungs’ are in fact large steps that move from right to left creating a really interesting patterns of movement both for the steps, but also for Raphaëlle to perform on.
La Bête Noir
Petite Reine was the second piece, performed by Fleurianne Cornet (and her bicycle) – and ( I quote) « tackles the issue of being held captive by love » – oh ok…
Petite ReinePetite Reine
High on imagery, the lighting was excellent (but there’s never really enough for a photographer…) and created a great atmosphere.
While I very much enjoyed the two, the first one won in my opinion.
The latest circus festival started last night, the 18th of October and will run for the next 10 days.
I’ve got about 16 or 17 pro spectacles to see/photograph, and at the same time, I’ll be covering the Federation of French Circus Schools annual get together which will involve upwards of 50 ten minute shows performed by circus schools from around France.
Here are a couple of shots from last night – the company was « Les Filles du Renard Pâle » and the presented us with « Révolte ou Tentatives de l’Echec »
Révolte ou Tentatives de l’EchecRévolte ou Tentatives de l’Echec
Aside from an almost total lack of decent light (laughs) this was interesting – it’s always fun to see it actually rain on set…
Tonight I only have one performance to see – and that’s probably going to be pretty dark too…more on this later. I can’t help feeling sure that my fan ‘Someone’ from NIKON RUMORS could do a whole lot better than I, but this is my blog so you’ll have to put up with my rubbish…
NIKON announced a few months ago, a series of firmware updates for the Zf, Z6_ll, Z7_ll, Z8 and Z9.
These were trumpeted as ‘major’ updates for autofocus etc. so naturally, the NIKON users are impatient to see what these can do.
Zoom forward to early October and NIKON anounce that there seem top be problems updating the firmware on the Z7_ll and so they were holding back everything until this problem was identified and fixed. People asked why the update couldn’t simply be launched for the other cameras, without a response.
Mention was made of another update concerning Adobes Content Authentification system, regarding the Z6_lll – in the comments section on NIKON RUMORS I ‘dared’ to ask why we hadn’t any news of the expected updates and was immediately criticised by a total jerk hiding behind the screen name ‘Someone‘ (‘No-one’ would have been more appropriate...)
Bottom feeders like this I generally ignore – their unique existance is to piss people off – they don’t make images or contribute in any detectable fashion, just pollute the fora with inane comments designed to get clicks… Sadly there are many (I’ve often wondered if it’s just one mental case with many screen names…) and it’s frustrating when you see the efforts of the forum managers, particularly of Peter over on NIKON RUMORS, that these morons exist and create friction which doesn’t actually need to exist.
His comment made me smile as it was pretty obvious he hadn’t read any previous blog posts (probably can’t actually read…) as he encouraged me to just accept that my camera is what it is, and not moan about it…
The sad bit is getting back, trying to get all the sand from between the toes, and struggling back to work…
No sand this year, but two weeks almost exclusively transported by train! (Well ok, we also needed three days of rental car to have a little flexability to be able to wander the highlands)
So, RYANAIR who, true to ‘cheap’ form asked one of the stewards to land the plane and we all thought the under-carriage was going to break through the fuselage… to Edinburgh from Toulouse. Simple flight – waiting for the bags took as long as the flight itself, but by mid afternoon we were in Falkirk – our destination for the first 8 days of our stay.
Interesting place with a population of roughly 35,000 – nice people, good grub and beer – what more can a man want??
One of the sights to see is the Kelpies – these are huge horse-head sculptures which, according to Wikipedia were built « to reflect the mythological transforming beasts possessing the strength and endurance of ten horses. The Kelpies represent the lineage of the heavy horse of Scottish industry and economy, pulling the wagons, ploughs, barges, and coalships that shaped the geographical layout of the Falkirk area.«
Falkirk is also known for the Falkirk Wheel – this is West of the city on the Union canal and is designed to allow the canal boats to overcome the 30m difference between two parts of the canal, without the need of many locks.
We were lucky enough to see this in action – quite a feat of engineering – simple but very effective.
The ‘pod’ containing the canal boat is nearing the top of the arc in this image.
We used this week to visit Edinburgh and Glasgow, as Falkirk is almost exactly halfway between the two cities.
Victoria Street, Edinburgh
The river Clyde, Glasgow
While we were in Edinburgh, we took the train over my fathers favourite construction – the Forth Bridge – we got off at North Queensferry and walked around breathing in the history of this part of Scotlands railway heritage.
Many more sights to see, but we were off to the West, and Fort William – we had an appointment with a very special train…
This is the Jacobite (one of two) which travels from Fort William to Mallaig twice a day – it was used as a prop for one of the Harry Potter films and now the company that runs it charge way over the top for a 4 hour (return) journey. Sadly we were obliged to listen to the life story of a VERY loud American woman with an enromous rear – the two Americans sitting with us were embarrased and made it very clear that all Americans were not like this one. Two hours of « Yaw Yaw Yaw »
This is the famous Glenfinnan viaduct overwhich a Ford Anglia can be seen flying in the HP film! We visited the viaduct a couple of days before taking the train – people were all over the hills waiting for the passage of the train from Mallaig to Fort William.
Fort William is on Loch Linnhe – and our guesthouse overlooked the loch.
From Fort William we went to London (by train) via Glasgow – the clever people at Scotrail ‘forgot’ to tell us that the timetables had been altered since we booked our tickets in March – so we arrived at Glasgow to see our train leaving! This left us with a four hour wait so we had another quick browse around the city…
…before getting on the Euston express and setting off for London.
We haven’t actually visited London since 2010 so it’s expected that things will have changed….I was quite impressed when I discovered that they still use Routemaster busses on two of the regular city routes – the 9 and the 15 – these are not just for tourists !!
In addition to visiting places with stunning new architecture, we had also planed to visit older existing spots – like Tower Bridge – imagine our surprise when 5 minutes after we arrived, it opened for us (And it only does this around 35 times a year, so we were VERY lucky to see it happen)
After Tower Bridge we set off for the financial district, The City – lots to see there…
(The Lloyds building reflected in the building opposite)
Leadenhall Market, no longer a fruit and veg market, was very beaufiful too…competing against much more modern structures!
We also visited Kings Cross station – not to board a train, but to look at the ceiling!
Then after a short walk along the Regents Canal, Camden Town and Lock – what a place !
A great holiday, which just makes us want to go back again – primarily to Western Scotland, but I’d give other places a go too! (If I had the chance)